Nxt-default properties configuration file

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The file ardor/conf/nxt-default.properties is very well self-documented via comments within the file. Note, however, that the proper way to introduce changes is to leave this file AS-IS with its defaults and instead create the file ardor/conf/nxt.properties. Put the entries with desired non-default settings in the new file. When Ardor runs it reads both files, and settings from nxt.properties will override settings from the nxt-default.properties file.

The path to the nxt.properties file can be changed by setting the Java system property nxt.properties. E.g. when starting the Java process, add the VM option -Dnxt.properties=/your/path/to/file.properties. Similarly the path to the logging properties can be changed via the Java system property logging.properties

Check the Ardor nxt-default.properties from version 2.5.1 for reference