Current features of Ardor, as of version 2.5.1, include:
Account control
With Account control, any account can be restricted to only issuing phased transactions subject to a specific voting model. This enables interesting use cases like:
- Multi-signature, so that more than one key is required to authorize a transaction.
- Tagging, so that an account tagged as e.g. "savings" cannot, for example, send tokens.
- Escrow, so that a locked account cannot transfer assets, aliases, etc. except when some specific circumstances are met.
Learn more about Account control.
Account leasing
Account leasing allows users to lease their forging power to another account for a fixed period of time. This enables the creation of forging pools, where the forging power of multiple users is combined to increase the chance of generating a block.
Account leasing is also relevant if a user wants to take part in the forging process without having to keep a node running 24/7.
Learn more about Account leasing.
Account monitor
An Account monitor is a component that automatically transfers child chain tokens (eg: IGNIS), ASSET, or CURRENCY from a funding account to recipient accounts when the amount held by the recipient accounts drops below a set threshold.
Learn more about the Account monitor.
Account properties
Account properties enable Ardor users to permanently tag an Ardor account with a small amount of data. These properties can then be used to provide meta-information about an account and can be linked to phasing by property conditions.
Learn more about Account properties.
Alias system
Ardor implements an alias system that translates alphanumeric text into almost anything: Ardor account addresses, email addresses, URLs, phone numbers, SKU codes, and more. The Alias system not only gives Ardor the ability to function as a Decentralized DNS system but also adds additional possibilities for mapping short names to other entities.
Learn more about the Alias system.
Arbitrary messages
Arbitrary messages allow Ardor users to send small amounts of data through the decentralized network. This data can be optionally encrypted. The term "message" is loose: this feature can be used to send simple text messages, but can also be used to send up to 1000 bytes of any data. As a result, it can be used to build file-sharing services, decentralized applications, and higher-level Ardor services.
Learn more about Arbitrary messages.
Asset control
The Asset Control feature allows restricting all transactions involving a given asset - such as placing a bid and ask orders, transfers, share deletions and dividend payments that use the asset as a dividend to be subject to approval
Learn more about Asset control.
Asset exchange
Ardor's Asset exchange provides a decentralized, peer-to-peer exchange system based on the "coins" concept that eliminates trust points and their associated fees.
Up until now, if you wanted to trade cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, you had to sign up for an account on a centralized platform such as Cryptsy/BTC-E/Bter/etc, transfer your assets to them, and pay them the transaction fees. This brings in a large concern: a centralized exchange could just bail with everyone's deposits.
The same technology used to trade Ardor for other child chain tokens can allow you to trade any token within the Ardor multichain platform for almost any commodity.
Learn more about the Asset exchange.
Asset Properties
Asset properties allow attaching metadata to assets, in the form of name/value pairs. Anyone can set a property on an asset. Only the asset issuer, or the setter of the property, can delete a property. The setter of a property can edit it by setting a new property with the same name.
Learn more about Asset properties.
Bundling is the process of grouping transactions from a child chain into a transaction on the Ardor chain. Bundlers accept fees from those child chain transactions in the corresponding child chain coin and pay fees in ARDR to the parent chain forgers.
Changelly integration
Changelly is a market-making service that utilizes crypto exchanges to provide a seamless exchange of crypto tokens without user registration. Starting from Ardor version 2.1.2 the Ardor wallet integrates the changelly service to enable Ardor and Ignis to exchange with any other crypto directly from the wallet.
Learn more about Changelly integration.
Child Chain Control
The Child Chain Control is a feature that introduces permissioning to the Ardor multichain platform. It manages authorization levels of users on child chains. When operating on a chain that has permissioning policy enabled users can be restricted from performing chain transactions.
Learn more about the Child Chain Control.
Coin exchange
The Coin exchange is an Ardor feature that allows users to trade child chain tokens on the blockchain using buy and sell orders and a built-in matching engine.
Learn more about the Coin exchange.
Coin shuffling
Coin shuffling is a privacy feature that enables users to mix their funds with that of others. The process is quick and efficient and works by creating a random mapping between the existing user accounts and different, new recipient accounts also provided by the users.
Learn more about Coin shuffling.
Composite phasing
Composite phasing (or "Smart Phasing") is a powerful new feature that allows joining the current primitive approval models (such as by whitelist, by asset balance, by secret, etc) using the AND, OR, and NOT operators.
As simple as it sounds, defining new approval models in terms of boolean expressions provides an incredible amount of flexibility to our transaction workflow.
Learn more about Composite phasing.
Data cloud
The Ardor Data Cloud is a decentralized data storage system. It is a feature that is reserved for the Ardor child chains
In addition to keeping a record of Ardor transactions, the blockchain can also be used to store user-defined data. All forms of data can be uploaded to the Ardor blockchain, providing a secure (and, if desired, permanent) method of storing, retrieving and publishing information
In Ardor the process of block generation is called forging. Every Ardor node is involved in this providing the associated wallet has at least 1.000 ARDR and stays open no less than 24 hours (1440 blocks)
Graphical installer
The graphical installer provides a simple and user-friendly setup of the Ardor client software for the supported operating systems.
Learn more about the Graphical installer.
Lightweight contracts
Lightweight contracts is a powerful new framework to develop a layer of automation on top of the existing Ardor APIs.
Contracts are developed by implementing pre-defined interfaces. The contract code is deployed to the blockchain as a cloud data transaction that stores the code itself and a contract reference transaction which provides the trigger to activate the contract and provides the setup parameters.
Learn more about Lightweight contracts.
The Marketplace feature provides a protocol for building decentralized, peer-to-peer stores for any kind of digital goods.
Learn more about the Marketplace.
Monetary system
The monetary system enables any user to issue customizable currencies secured by the Ardor network.
Learn more about Ardor's Monetary system.
Phasing allows transactions with deferred execution, with or without conditions, which form the basis of many use cases.
The plugin framework allows third-party software developers to add new functionality and embed it directly into the Ardor client interface.
Transaction Vouchers
Transaction Vouchers are a feature that simplifies and reduces the possible errors when two addresses make a transaction with each other on the blockchain.
Learn more about Transaction Vouchers
Voting System
The secure, encrypted, consensus-based nature of the Ardor network allows the implementation of a voting system that guarantees anonymity and security, without relying on a central authority to tally the votes.
Learn more about the Voting System.
Secret Sharing
Protect your account passphrase by splitting it into multiple shares that only some of them are required to reconstruct the passphrase.