Translations: Arbitrary messages/1/en

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Sending a message

  1. When sending a message using your local node the Ardor software must be running, then browse to and log in your account providing your passphrase
  2. Select a chain that has the messages feature enable (is: Ignis).
    • The "Messages" section and a "Send message" button on top will appear
  3. Complete the form with the following entries:
    • Recipient: The account that will receive the message
    • Message:  The message you would like to send (up to 1000 characters)
      • Note:: This message is transmitted in plain text. If you want to send it securely, you must manually select the encrypted message option prior to sending the message, and make sure the recipient knows how to decrypt the message once they receive it. The “messaging” feature is simple and open-ended on purpose to allow other developers to create more advanced tools and applications.
    • Fee:  Expressed in child chain tokens such as Ignis. Enter the fee you are willing to pay for this transaction. The minimum fee in child chain tokens must be equal to 0.01 ARDR (see Fee Structures).
    • Deadline:  Expressed in minutes.  Enter the number of minutes you are willing to wait before your order is automatically canceled by the network.
    • Secret phrase:  Your account passphrase.
  4. Click "Submit"
    • The server will respond with a transaction ID in the "server response" box, showing that the transaction has been created on the network.
    • When the transaction is confirmed, it will appear in the "transactions" block in your client interface with a "sent amount" equal to zero.