Translations: Forging/2/en

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  • requestType is startBundler
  • chain is the child chain related to the operation (eg: 2 for Ignis)
  • minRateNQTPerFXT is the minimum rate in chain NQT per ARDR NQT accepted by the bundler
  • totalFeesLimitFQT is the maximum amount of ARDR NQT to be paid in total by the bundler
  • overpayFQTPerFXT is an additional factor of the Ardor fee to pay in case of competing bundlers (optional)
  • feeCalculatorName is a bundling rule for filtering (optional)
  • filter is a filter to be applied (optional)
  • bundlingRulesJSON is a list of bundling rules as a Json format (optional)
  • secretPhrase is the secret passphrase of the account (optional for stopBundler and getBundlers if password protected like the Debug Operations)
  • privateKey (S) is the privateKey (hex) of the derived account (HD wallet, refer to: Getting the private key from the derived account)