Translations: How to Offline Transaction Signing/17/en

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  • If a Signature is provided in the entry field at the bottom of the modal and the Broadcast button is clicked, the transaction will be signed and broadcast to the Ardor network.
  • The next step is to transfer the unsigned transaction to the offline system where a signature can be generated, using either the Unsigned Transaction Bytes or the corresponding Unsigned Bytes QR Code at the top of the modal, or the Unsigned Transaction JSON just below the QR code, as explained in the next section. The procedure varies depending upon which of these items is transferred.
  • If there is an encrypted message attached to the transaction, neither the transaction bytes and corresponding QR code nor the Signature field will appear because the message cannot be encrypted without the secret passphrase. In this case, the JSON form of the unsigned transaction, which contains the unencrypted message, must be used instead.
  • It is always possible to use the JSON form. The QR code is only available if the unsigned bytes form can be used, when there is no encrypted message attachment.