Translations: Marketplace/14/en

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My Completed Orders menu

As a seller, this is where you will find all previously completed orders.

DGS my completed orders.png
Order Date: the date and time when the buyer placed the order.
Order Status: Will always be “complete” on this page.
Price: The price per good, multiply with quantity if you want the total sum.
Quantity: The quantity of products that have been ordered.
Feedback: Indicates if you have received feedback from the buyer (only shown when you recieved feedback).
Seller: Will always be ‘You’ and a link to your Ardor account.
Product Id: The product you’ve sold.

And if you click the on a order, you will see a pop up window where you get to see the 'Deliver Goods' message you sent earlier, as well as feedback from the customer, if the customer has sent any.