Translations: Marketplace/15/en

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List Product For Sale menu

If you want to sell a product on the marketplace, this is the first menu item you should visit. By clicking here you will be presented a pop up window where you get to specify details about the product you are selling. Once you are done, it will be shown at the top in the ‘Newest Products’.

DGS list product for sale.png

Name: The name of the product (mandatory).
Description: Here you can enter more details about the product (mandatory), maybe add a link to a website where you present the product in full detail.
Tags: Enter up to 3 comma separated tags (optional). A tag is a keyword that help describe what kind of product that is being listed.
Price: The price in chain tokens you want to sell each good for (mandatory).
Quantity: The number of goods you have in stock. This will decrease every time a buyer buys from you.
Passphrase: Your passphrase (mandatory) to list the product.