Translations: Monetary system/80/en

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  • The Units, Rate and Total columns in the Exchange Requests and Executed Exchanges sections have the same units as on the request form. Units is the amount of currency exchanged, Rate is the exchange rate in child chain tokens per currency unit, and Total is the amount of child chain tokens exchanged, always equal to Units * Rate.
  • The requested amount of currency was greater than the amount offered, and the offered rate was more favorable to the requester than the requested rate, so the offered amount and rate prevailed, as shown in the Executed Exchanges section.
  • The request was executed immediately upon confirmation, but continues to be displayed in the Exchange Requests section. Even though the request was only partially filled, it becomes obsolete after execution; the request will not be fully met even if a new matching offer appears in the future.
  • All of the initial amount of currency offered to sell (10 units) was sold, so the sell half of the offer pair was temporarily withdrawn. But it could reappear if the supply of currency to sell is replenished by a sell exchange request being executed against the buy offer. Up to 10 more units could be sold in this way, because the sell limit is now 10 units, having been reduced from 20 units.
  • The amount of currency offered to buy increased from the initial 5 units to 10 units, the buy limit. It would have increased to 15 if the buy limit was 15 or greater, due to the 10 units sold. Thus the Exchange Booth allows an offer publisher the opportunity to automatically replenish sold currency.
  • Clicking on a timestamp in the Exchange Requests section opens a detail pop-up window showing all executed exchanges resulting from a request; clicking on the timestamps of any of those executed exchanges opens an offer detail window, which in turn shows initial and current supplies and limits along with all executed exchanges against that offer, plus exchange totals. The offer detail window can also be opened by clicking on a height value in the Offers to Exchange section, and the request detail window can also be opened by clicking on a timestamp in the Executed Exchanges section.