Translations: Shuffling/68/en

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  • requestType is startStandbyShuffler
  • chain is the child chain related to the operation (eg: 2 for Ignis)
  • secretPhrase is the secret passphrase of the source account that we want to shuffle
  • holdingType is the holding type
  • holding is the holding id (the chain id if holdingType is 0)
  • minAmount is the minimum shuffling amount of the holding required to join a shuffling (optional)
  • maxAmount is the maximum shuffling amount of the holding required to join a shuffling (optional)
  • minParticipants is the minimum number of participants of the shuffling (optional)
  • feeRateNQTPerFXT is the conversion rate between 1 child chain NQT to 1 whole ARDR
  • serializedMasterPublicKey a master public key can be used to derive a new public key for each shuffling it joins
  • recipientPublicKeys is an unused public key for a recipient account (multiple values allowed, multiple lines allowed)