Translations: Shuffling/69/en

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  • started (B) is true to indicate that a new StandbyShuffler has been configured
  • standbyShuffling (O) an object representing the new configured StandbyShuffler
    • standbyShuffling (O) an object representing the new configured StandbyShuffler
    • account (S) is the source account ID
    • accountRS (S) is the source account Reed Solomon address
    • chain (N) is the child chain
    • holdingType (N) is the holding type
    • holding (S) is the holding id
    • minAmount (S) is the minimum shuffling amount of the configured holding required to join a shuffling (0 if not configured)
    • maxAmount (S) is the maximum shuffling amount of the configured holding required to join a shuffling (0 if not configured)
    • minParticipants (N) is the minimum number of participants of the shuffling
    • feeRateNQTPerFXT (N) is the conversion rate between 1 child chain NQT to 1 whole ARDR
    • recipientPublicKeys (A) is an array of configured public keys for recipient accounts