Translations: Voting System/15/en

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  • poll (S) is the poll ID
  • account (S) is the account number of the poll creator
  • accountRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the account
  • name (S) is the name of the poll
  • description (S) is the description of the poll, or the question to be answered
  • finishHeight (N) is the block height when the poll is completed
  • finished (B) is true if the poll is completed, false otherwise
  • votingModel (N) is 0 for One Vote Per Account, 1 for Vote By chain Balance, 2 for Vote By Asset Balance and 3 for Vote By Currency Balance
  • minNumberOfOptions (N) is the minimum number of options (answers) that must be voted for
  • maxNumberOfOptions (N) is the maximum number of options (answers) that can be voted for
  • minBalance (S) is the minimum balance (in NQT or QNT) required for voting
  • minBalanceModel (N) is 1 for chain balance, 2 for an asset balance, 3 for a currency balance when minBalance > 0
  • holding is the asset or currency ID when minBalanceModel > 1
  • options (A) is the array of options (answers)
  • minRangeValue (N) is the minimum integer value for an option (answer)
  • maxRangeValue (N) is the maximum integer value for an option (answer)
  • lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
  • requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)