Translations: Voting system/37/en

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  • The left column is a list of followed (monitored) polls with their status in alphabetical order. Polls still active (incomplete) show the number of blocks left for voting. Clicking on one of the followed polls displays ongoing poll results in the pane to the right.
  • On the left side of the pane, the Result and Weight are displayed for each poll Option (answer).
  • The Weight associated with each option is the combined weight of all votes for that option, with the weight of each vote determined by the voting model selected during poll creation: One Vote Per Account, Vote By Ignis Balance, Vote By Asset and Vote By Currency. In the example shown above, the voting model is One Vote Per Account and so the weight of each vote cast is 1.
  • The Result associated with each option is the sum over all votes for that option of the weight of each vote multiplied by an integer range value selected when the vote was cast. In the example shown above, the only range value allowed for a vote is 1 and so the Result and Weight columns match.
  • On the right side of the pane, a pie chart of the results is displayed.
  • On the bottom of the pane, the votes cast in the poll are displayed while they are still available. For each voting account the account ID is shown along with the integer range value associated with each option voted for.
  • Clicking on the Add Poll button in the upper right of the screen opens a pop-up window for following a poll by specifying its poll ID.
  • If the poll is still active (unfinished), a Vote in Poll button appears above the chart. Clicking on it opens a pop-up window for casting a vote. If a vote has already been cast, the button is faded and deactivated.