Translations: API/23/en

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For example, an ABTC (it represents Bitcoin) asset is divisible to eight decimal places, like the original bitcoin (BTC). Therefore a QNT of ABTC is equivalent to a Satoshi (10-8 BTC). To place an order to sell 25,000,000 QNT of the ABTC asset at a price of 20,000 priceNQTperShare, use the API Call Place Order with requestType=placeAskOrder, quantityQNT=25000000 and priceNQTPerShare=20000 in the chain Ignis. If the entire quantity is sold on the Asset Exchange, the seller will receive 500,000,000,000 NQT (quantityQNT * priceNQT) from the buyer(s). This trade corresponds to selling 0.25 ABTC for 5,000 IGNIS, which is how the trade appears in the NRS client. In this case, the price of 20,000 in priceNQTperShare is also the price in Ignis per ABTC, since both ABTC and Ignis are divisible to eight decimal places.