Asset Exchange
Cancel Order
Cancel an existing asset order. POST only.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is either cancelBidOrder or cancelAskOrder
- chain the chain that will be used for the operation
- order is the order ID of the order being canceled
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response.
Cancel Order Example
"signatureHash": "20264f33a06331f6a8d7c4362d0525aee25e4ef991653f14bbfb1b2beebba433",
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "02153c6ed6013c0057fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143...",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "57fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b473beec228f79ff93c",
"signature": "30cf47942179f5969369699b548f5a3517ef7ff71b337db630ea5f8b6e740...",
"feeNQT": "100000000",
"type": 2,
"fullHash": "725f441d9f50a9b2e02d780098a827b1015ec902199becd493bfa73a4843ae89",
"version": 1,
"ecBlockId": "196207598250363138",
"signatureHash": "20264f33a06331f6a8d7c4362d0525aee25e4ef991653f14bbfb1b2beebba433",
"attachment": {
"version.BidOrderCancellation": 1,
"order": "17185236428295897167"
"senderRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
"subtype": 5,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "15323192282528158131",
"ecBlockHeight": 285586,
"deadline": 60,
"transaction": "12873909654136315762",
"timestamp": 30830140,
"height": 2147483647
"broadcasted": true,
"requestProcessingTime": 7640,
"transactionBytes": "02153c6ed6013c0057fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b...",
"fullHash": "725f441d9f50a9b2e02d780098a827b1015ec902199becd493bfa73a4843ae89",
"transaction": "12873909654136315762"
Cancel Ask Order
Refer to Cancel Order.
Cancel Bid Order
Refer to Cancel Order.
Delete Asset Property
Permanently deletes a specified asset property.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is deleteAssetProperty
- chain is the chain of the operation. It is only available in the Ignis chain (2)
- asset is the asset ID to delete the property
- property is the property name to be deleted.
- setter is the setter account of the property
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response.
Delete Asset Property Example
"minimumFeeFQT": "10000000",
"signatureHash": "c6039bd2a6d00b9f0960bf1fcd7e1e5f44cf121a7f3478a08f4ed848d01b6273",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c",
"chain": 2,
"signature": "b88c933d9fd1e325738ddf0769e2cda0deddaed8a1607f3b3597843504dd770c6dfa848a8060dc190237983365e31b3dfd247336172877f982c1ddd955dd16dd",
"feeNQT": "1000000",
"type": 2,
"fullHash": "02e3382805554d9caef831ebadd27acb8d689590ae813a5fab75e37004b29d7e",
"version": 1,
"fxtTransaction": "0",
"phased": false,
"ecBlockId": "12919444854690185600",
"signatureHash": "c6039bd2a6d00b9f0960bf1fcd7e1e5f44cf121a7f3478a08f4ed848d01b6273",
"attachment": {
"property": "isIdentified",
"asset": "-7464480822597667165",
"version.AssetPropertyDelete": 1,
"value": "true"
"subtype": 10,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "15382970207090678772",
"recipientRS": "ARDOR-X8ZN-WUJ2-SXY3-FBUYC",
"recipient": "15382970207090678772",
"ecBlockHeight": 449282,
"deadline": 15,
"timestamp": 26856670,
"height": 2147483647
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "02000000020a01decc99010f00df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5cf49b0ea0e6497bd5000000000000000040420f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002db060080810e2ba5164bb30000000001a3b659883dd668980c69734964656e7469666965640474727565000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"broadcasted": false,
"requestProcessingTime": 5,
"transactionBytes": "02000000020a01decc99010f00df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5cf49b0ea0e6497bd5000000000000000040420f0000000000b88c933d9fd1e325738ddf0769e2cda0deddaed8a1607f3b3597843504dd770c6dfa848a8060dc190237983365e31b3dfd247336172877f982c1ddd955dd16dd02db060080810e2ba5164bb30000000001a3b659883dd668980c69734964656e7469666965640474727565000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"fullHash": "02e3382805554d9caef831ebadd27acb8d689590ae813a5fab75e37004b29d7e",
"bundlerRateNQTPerFXT": "10000000"
Permanently deletes a specified quantity of owned asset shares.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is deleteAssetShares
- chain is the chain of the operation (ie: Ignis)
- asset is the asset ID
- quantityQNT is the quantity (in QNT) of the asset to be deleted
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response.
"signatureHash": "883599a340375c387e7b27a4f2c37f4ee960760b31e4b1a9c604663c6b84c708",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "373522bcd8904f4707472e590cbb67976d40e7af39650ea11cb2be5734cdf30c",
"signature": "b91a664d9ee99399ebba913fa56abea26fbf4b84fe10fa4f76a29a8eae16810e61...",
"feeNQT": "100000000",
"type": 2,
"fullHash": "8929fa9d30fd38c8811e079835b3959c1a3f8503df8999d5a858831ea6ba7741",
"version": 1,
"phased": false,
"ecBlockId": "9535861265974556985",
"signatureHash": "883599a340375c387e7b27a4f2c37f4ee960760b31e4b1a9c604663c6b84c708",
"attachment": {
"quantityQNT": "100",
"version.AssetDelete": 1,
"asset": "5920455660623529270"
"senderRS": "ARDOR-7A48-47JL-T7LD-D5FS3",
"subtype": 7,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "12745647715474645062",
"ecBlockHeight": 757498,
"deadline": 60,
"transaction": "14427559791532059017",
"timestamp": 80204814,
"height": 2147483647
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "02170ed4c7043c00373522bcd8904f4707472e590cbb67976d40e7a...",
"broadcasted": false,
"requestProcessingTime": 2,
"transactionBytes": "02170ed4c7043c00373522bcd8904f4707472e590cbb67976d40e7af39650ea...",
"fullHash": "8929fa9d30fd38c8811e079835b3959c1a3f8503df8999d5a858831ea6ba7741",
"transaction": "14427559791532059017"
Dividend Payment
Pay dividend to all shareholders of an asset. POST only.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is dividendPayment
- chain the chain related to the operation
- asset is the asset ID
- holdingType is a string representing the holding type (optional)
- holding is the holding ID (optional)
- height is the blockchain height at which asset holders shares will be counted (must be less than 1440 blocks in the past)
- amountNQTPerShare is dividend amount (in NQT per share of the asset)
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response.
Dividend Payment Example
"signatureHash": "5d92fee3570b7b058ace2387f5b4eef4377ea738e6a6c2aabc06bd9f6871e4b4",
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "02160feb0c023c0010f09c34f225d425306e5be55a49469081...",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "10f09c34f225d425306e5be55a4946908156072afbead4d574a512d7e086ef5c",
"signature": "61e2398087b078bdba24021d909e937c2d5fe157a09fa3c82d910e7b5843e00cef2...",
"feeNQT": "100000000",
"type": 2,
"fullHash": "27b52e61813b73fdf9ff3b1bacf3b344d3ed60e8c94db2c9d0518c8483150770",
"version": 1,
"ecBlockId": "17871828515938613022",
"signatureHash": "5d92fee3570b7b058ace2387f5b4eef4377ea738e6a6c2aabc06bd9f6871e4b4",
"attachment": {
"version.DividendPayment": 1,
"amountNQTPerQNT": "100000000",
"asset": "3517042713515967694",
"height": 161157
"subtype": 6,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "15295723609781267838",
"ecBlockHeight": 161151,
"deadline": 60,
"transaction": "18263006340784764199",
"timestamp": 34401039,
"height": 2147483647
"broadcasted": true,
"requestProcessingTime": 111,
"transactionBytes": "02160feb0c023c0010f09c34f225d425306e5be55a49469081560...",
"fullHash": "27b52e61813b73fdf9ff3b1bacf3b344d3ed60e8c94db2c9d0518c8483150770",
"transaction": "18263006340784764199"
Get Account Asset Count
Get the number of assets owned by an account given the account ID.
- requestType is getAccountAssetCount
- account is the account ID
- height is the height of the blockchain to determine the asset count (optional, default is last block)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
Note: If table trimming is enabled (default), the height must be within 1440 blocks of the last block.
- numberOfAssets (N) is the number of assets owned by the account
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Account Asset Count Example
"requestProcessingTime": 1,
"numberOfAssets": 3
Get Account Assets
Get the assets owned by a given account in reverse quantity order.
- requestType is getAccountAssets
- account is the account ID
- asset is an asset ID filter (optional)
- height is the blockchain height at which to retrieve balances (optional, default is the last block in the blockchain)
- includeAssetInfo is true if asset information is to be included (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
Note: If table trimming is enabled (default), the height must be within 1440 blocks of the last block.
- accountAssets (A) is an array of asset objects (unless the asset parameter is specified) with the following fields for each asset:
- quantityQNT (S) is the quantity (in QNT) of the asset
- unconfirmedQuantityQNT (S) is the unconfirmed quantity (in QNT) of the asset
- decimals (N) is the number of decimal places used by the asset (if includeAssetInfo is true)
- name (S) is the asset name (if includeAssetInfo is true)
- asset (S) is the asset ID
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Account Assets Example
"accountAssets": [
"quantityQNT": "68013764",
"unconfirmedQuantityQNT": "68013764",
"decimals": 0,
"name": "Test",
"asset": "17554243582654188572"
"requestProcessingTime": 1
Get Account Current Order Ids
Get current asset order IDs given an account ID in reverse block height order.
- requestType is either getAccountCurrentBidOrderIds or getAccountCurrentAskOrderIds
- chain the chain related to the operation
- account is the account ID
- asset is an asset ID filter (optional)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first order ID to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last order ID to retrieve (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- bidOrderIds or askOrderIds (A) is an array of order IDs
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Account Current Order Ids Example
"bidOrderIds": [
"requestProcessingTime": 4
Get Account Current Ask Order Ids
Refer to Get Account Current Order Ids.
Get Account Current Bid Order Ids
Refer to Get Account Current Order Ids.
Get Account Current Orders
Get current asset orders given an account ID in reverse block height order.
- requestType is either getAccountCurrentBidOrders or getAccountCurrentAskOrders
- chain the chain related to the operation
- account is the account ID
- asset is an asset ID filter (optional)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first order to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last order to retrieve (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- bidOrders or askOrders (A) is an array of order objects (refer to Get Order for details)
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Account Current Orders Example
"bidOrders": [
"quantityQNT": "1000000",
"priceNQTPerShare": "100",
"accountRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
"asset": "17554243582654188572",
"type": "bid",
"account": "15323192282528158131",
"order": "17185236428295897167",
"height": 285549
"requestProcessingTime": 1
Get Account Current Ask Orders
Refer to Get Account Current Orders.
Get Account Current Bid Orders
Refer to Get Account Current Orders.
Get All Assets
Get all assets in the exchange in reverse block height of creation order.
- requestType is getAllAssets
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first asset to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last asset to retrieve (optional)
- includeCounts is true if the fields beginning with numberOf... are to be included (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- assets (A) is an array of asset objects (refer to Get Asset)
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get All Assets Example
"assets": [
"quantityQNT": "1",
"accountRS": "ARDOR-KZEK-7CVF-P88G-4DTRA",
"decimals": 0,
"name": "SNABCD",
"description": "Mobile Phone 2",
"hasPhasingAssetControl": false,
"asset": "9677555488988261487",
"account": "2620860970609212817"
"quantityQNT": "1000000",
"accountRS": "ARDOR-78Q5-GP4B-763B-7AGBG",
"decimals": 5,
"name": "Upps",
"description": "Unidades de participação",
"hasPhasingAssetControl": false,
"asset": "9896760296148674110",
"account": "6279645661425212099"
"quantityQNT": "10000",
"accountRS": "ARDOR-6645-FEKY-BC5T-EPW5D",
"decimals": 0,
"name": "AssetP2",
"description": "{\"name\":\"Lorem ipsum Paapp\",\"channel\":\"Not Panamerica\",\"fullhash\":\"b1147b93d37ada612de0934722d30d58d0b2efc6212196b4064e7dd07a54e712\"}",
"hasPhasingAssetControl": false,
"asset": "9908792094168526059",
"account": "14235761234537484355"
"quantityQNT": "1",
"decimals": 0,
"name": "MstrTkn",
"description": "Master token",
"hasPhasingAssetControl": false,
"asset": "10164872532453123955",
"account": "13539407748888672157"
"quantityQNT": "50000000",
"accountRS": "ARDOR-APM5-TLV8-J3KY-6T3JG",
"decimals": 2,
"name": "PeterTest",
"description": "Peter Wallet Test",
"hasPhasingAssetControl": false,
"asset": "10260918643336798387",
"account": "5134167126598506083"
"requestProcessingTime": 0
Get All Open Orders
Get all open bid/ask orders in reverse block height order.
- requestType is either getAllOpenBidOrders or getAllOpenAskOrders
- chain the chain related to the operation
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first order to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last order to retrieve (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- openOrders (A) is an array of order objects (refer to Get Order for details)
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get All Open Orders Example
"requestProcessingTime": 5631,
"openOrders": [
"quantityQNT": "1000000",
"priceNQTPerShare": "101",
"accountRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
"asset": "17554243582654188572",
"type": "bid",
"account": "15323192282528158131",
"order": "12743274869785967304",
"height": 285577
Get All Open Ask Orders
Refer to Get All Open Orders.
Get All Open Bid Orders
Refer to Get All Open Orders.
Get All Trades
Get all trades since a given timestamp in reverse block height order.
- requestType is getAllTrades
- chain the chain related to the operation
- timestamp is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) to begin retrieving trades (optional, default 0)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first trade to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last trade to retrieve (optional)
- includeAssetInfo is true if asset information is to be included in the result (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
Note: If timestamp is omitted or zero, and no index is given, all trades in the entire blockchain will be retrieved, which may timeout or crash your system.
- trades (A) is an array of trade objects (refer to Get Trades)
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get All Trades Example
"trades": [
"seller": "14968762166783718535",
"quantityQNT": "10000",
"bidOrder": "1166717226538227076",
"sellerRS": "ARDOR-8F69-W9Z9-8M6Y-ETXGZ",
"buyer": "202478233571806601",
"priceNQTPerShare": "19796",
"askOrder": "16222071953599729591",
"buyerRS": "ARDOR-RMEB-W7TE-28EM-2SUM7",
"decimals": 8,
"name": "mgwBTC",
"block": "8807797247643599359",
"asset": "4551058913252105307",
"askOrderHeight": 285768,
"bidOrderHeight": 286453,
"tradeType": "buy",
"timestamp": 30920039,
"height": 286453
"requestProcessingTime": 25840
Get Asset
Get asset information given an asset ID.
- requestType is getAsset
- asset is the asset ID
- includeCounts is true if the fields beginning with numberOf... are to be included (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- account (S) is the number of the account that issued the asset
- accountRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the account that issued the asset
- name (S) is the asset name
- description (S) is the asset description
- quantityQNT (S) is the total asset quantity (in QNT) in existence
- asset (N) is the asset ID
- decimals (N) is the number of decimal places used by the asset
- numberOfAccounts (N) is the number of accounts that own the asset
- numberOfTrades (N) is the number of trades of this asset
- numberOfTransfers (N) is the number of transfers of this asset
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Asset Example
"quantityQNT": "2100000000000000",
"numberOfAccounts": 31,
"accountRS": "ARDOR-3TKA-UH62-478B-DQU6K",
"decimals": 8,
"numberOfTransfers": 63,
"name": "mgwBTC",
"description": "Production Multigateway BTC (mgwBTC) is backed 100% by...",
"numberOfTrades": 9,
"requestProcessingTime": 11,
"asset": "17554243582654188572",
"account": "13300069592148796968"
Get Asset Account Count
Get the number of accounts that own an asset given the asset ID.
- requestType is getAssetAccountCount
- asset is the asset ID
- height is the height of the blockchain to determine the account count (optional, default is last block)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
Note: If table trimming is enabled (default), the height must be within 1440 blocks of the last block.
- numberOfAccounts (N) is the number of accounts that own the asset
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Asset Account Count Example
"numberOfAccounts": 38,
"requestProcessingTime": 14
Get Asset Accounts
Get the accounts that own an asset given the asset ID in reverse quantity order.
- requestType is getAssetAccounts
- asset is the asset ID
- height is the height of the blockchain to determine the accounts (optional, default is last block)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first account to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last account to retrieve (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
Note: If table trimming is enabled (default), the height must be within 1440 blocks of the last block.
- accountAssets (A) is an array of asset objects with the following fields for each asset:
- quantityQNT (S) is the quantity (in QNT) of the asset
- accountRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the account that owns the asset
- unconfirmedQuantityQNT (S) is the unconfirmed quantity (in QNT) of the asset
- asset (S) is the asset ID
- account (S) is the number of the account that owns the asset
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Asset Accounts Example
"accountAssets": [
"quantityQNT": "100000000",
"accountRS": "ARDOR-JTE5-HB7Y-QPS5-B58MZ",
"unconfirmedQuantityQNT": "100000000",
"asset": "5539238107226883203",
"account": "11514793277306463619"
"requestProcessingTime": 19
Get Asset History
Get asset deletions or increases for a specific asset or account.
- requestType is getAssetHistory
- asset is the asset ID (optional if account is provided)
- account is the account ID (optional if asset is provided)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first phased transaction to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last phased transaction to retrieve (optional)
- timestamp is the earliest deletion (in seconds since the genesis block) to retrieve (optional)
- deletesOnly is an optional parameter to retrieve only share delete history events
- increasesOnly is an optional parameter to retrieve only share increase history events
- includeAssetInfo is true if asset information is to be included (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- assetHistory (A) is an array of asset history objects with following properties:
- quantityQNT (S) is the number of shares that were deleted or increased
- chain is the chain related
- assetHistoryFullHash (S) is the full hash of the increase or decrease transaction
- account (S) is the account ID
- accountRS (S) is the account Reed Solomon address
- asset (S) is the asset ID
- height (N) is the block height of the delete
- timestamp (N) is the block timestamp of the delete
- decimals (N) is the number of decimal places used by the asset (if includeAssetInfo is true)
- name (S) is the asset name (if includeAssetInfo is true)
Get Asset History Example
"requestProcessingTime": 0,
"assetHistory": [
"quantityQNT": "1000",
"chain": 2,
"accountRS": "ARDOR-X8ZN-WUJ2-SXY3-FBUYC",
"decimals": 2,
"name": "domtest",
"assetHistoryFullHash": "05340a7863cd661aa64afb49de6584d565721396a5030ea2d685b07a4c67ed80",
"asset": "17035400751454635539",
"account": "15382970207090678772",
"height": 1168097,
"timestamp": 35150871
"quantityQNT": "-10000",
"chain": 2,
"accountRS": "ARDOR-X8ZN-WUJ2-SXY3-FBUYC",
"decimals": 2,
"name": "domtest",
"assetHistoryFullHash": "f15cfc6b2abfaf76370894689a833413c8cf6d340ec765a36d1a4f388a8864a7",
"asset": "17035400751454635539",
"account": "15382970207090678772",
"height": 1168088,
"timestamp": 35150766
"quantityQNT": "100000000",
"chain": 2,
"accountRS": "ARDOR-X8ZN-WUJ2-SXY3-FBUYC",
"decimals": 2,
"name": "domtest",
"assetHistoryFullHash": "1346e0dcb9e669ec0c55cc6b52721b4b3a55b0d4f60736155629ea2b1ed6aba8",
"asset": "17035400751454635539",
"account": "15382970207090678772",
"height": 577817,
"timestamp": 28421318
Get Asset Dividends
Get the dividend payment history for a specific asset.
- requestType is getAssetDividends
- chain the chain related to the operation
- asset is the asset ID
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first dividend payment to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last dividend payment to retrieve (optional)
- timestamp is the earliest dividend payment (in seconds since the genesis block) to retrieve (optional)
- includeHoldingInfo is true to include holding info (optional)
- adminPassword is a string with the admin password (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- dividends (A) is an array of dividend transactions with the following properties:
- assetDividendFullHash (S) is the dividend payment transaction full hash
- numberOfAccounts (N) is the number of accounts that received a dividend
- amountNQTPerShare (S) is the amount of the payment holding (in NQT) paid per quantity (in QNT) of the asset
- totalDividend (S) is the total amount of the payment holding (in NQT) sent in the dividend payment
- dividendHeight (N) is the block height of the dividend calculation
- asset (S) is the asset ID
- height (N) is the block height of the dividend payment
- timestamp (N) is the block timestamp of the dividend payment
- holding (S) is the asset or currency ID
- holdingType (N) is the holding type (See Get Constants for type definitions)
- holdingInfo (O) is an object containing the coin, asset or currency info (if includeHoldingInfo is true)
Get Asset Dividends Example
"dividends": [
"holding": "2270562915899608568",
"numberOfAccounts": 3,
"holdingType": 2,
"holdingInfo": {
"chain": 2,
"issuerAccountRS": "ARDOR-RKUL-XS5Y-NGQQ-FP6T5",
"code": "SBT",
"decimals": 0,
"name": "SBTether",
"issuanceHeight": 0,
"type": 33,
"issuerAccount": "15124378298184615762"
"amountNQTPerShare": "45",
"totalDividend": "290249910",
"dividendHeight": 121160,
"asset": "6277929525780034120",
"assetDividendFullHash": "a449536556c44251365ea4adec7aabfcc590a94697f9d497d9edeaac6c9475a5",
"height": 121162,
"timestamp": 7173990
"holding": "6277929525780034120",
"numberOfAccounts": 2,
"holdingType": 1,
"holdingInfo": {
"decimals": 0,
"name": "SBT"
"amountNQTPerShare": "1",
"totalDividend": "3099999",
"dividendHeight": 119456,
"asset": "6277929525780034120",
"assetDividendFullHash": "41101f9225abbe43436d62377d5b2c9c83ef746dea1fc86cb3801dfd6b6e73d1",
"height": 119459,
"timestamp": 7072622
"holding": "657",
"numberOfAccounts": 0,
"holdingType": 2,
"holdingInfo": {
"chain": 2,
"issuerAccountRS": "ARDOR-6Z5Q-HJ2L-E5M3-D94QR",
"code": "CHF",
"decimals": 0,
"name": "CHF",
"issuanceHeight": 0,
"type": 1,
"issuerAccount": "13535647277982579830"
"amountNQTPerShare": "1",
"totalDividend": "0",
"dividendHeight": 118673,
"asset": "6277929525780034120",
"assetDividendFullHash": "9839c9fb351ca26c8e5ba62c30cb71df5ba820e2adc34d20aea59de27b4c7fbc",
"height": 118676,
"timestamp": 7025926
"requestProcessingTime": 1
Get Asset Ids
Get the IDs of all assets in the exchange in reverse block height of creation order.
- requestType is getAssetIds
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first asset ID to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last asset ID to retrieve (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- assets (A) is an array of asset IDs
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Asset Ids Example
"assetIds": [
"requestProcessingTime": 1
Get Asset Phased Transactions
Get pending phased transactions based on an asset in reverse chronological creation order. These transactions can be considered transaction approval requests.
- requestType is getAssetPhasedTransactions
- chain the chain related to the operation
- asset is the asset ID
- account is an account ID of the account that created the phased transactions (optional)
- withoutWhitelist is true to omit phased transactions that include a whitelist (optional)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first phased transaction to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last phased transaction to retrieve (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
Response: Refer to Get Transaction for details.
Get Asset Phased Transactions Example
"requestProcessingTime": 2,
"transactions": [
"signature": "803d3fad7076bfe3f48a8ced40bb7075539858bf2b9d23b7653671a7204e6108234d...",
"transactionIndex": 0,
"type": 0,
"phased": true,
"ecBlockId": "14167949999961480077",
"signatureHash": "693b18675d813dcc2de1a889fd919d0c4a0eaa679df0b0f8b0ec703bc2e278d4",
"attachment": {
"phasingFinishHeight": 262450,
"phasingHolding": "",
"phasingQuorum": "500",
"version.Phasing": 1,
"phasingMinBalance": "100",
"phasingMinBalanceModel": 2,
"version.OrdinaryPayment": 0,
"phasingVotingModel": 2
"subtype": 0,
"amountNQT": "500000000",
"recipientRS": "ARDOR-BMUV-8QQR-47VK-CR7F3",
"block": "11015494088798322289",
"blockTimestamp": 43957876,
"deadline": 60,
"timestamp": 43957682,
"height": 262418,
"senderPublicKey": "10f09c34f225d425306e5be55a4946908156072afbead4d574a512d7e086ef5c",
"chain": 2,
"feeNQT": "2100000000",
"confirmations": 27,
"fullHash": "e57462c46447f8bd7a0bafd9ab65bde8743ca6c13213185271d7ea6c48118861",
"version": 1,
"sender": "15295723609781267838",
"recipient": "11580081983047651163",
"ecBlockHeight": 262409,
"transaction": "13688769565509711077"
Get Asset Properties
Get asset properties given asset and a setter. When it is provided property it lists the value of the given property.
- requestType is getAssetProperties
- asset is the asset id for its properties to be listed
- setter is the property setter address
- property when provided, it lists the value of the given property (optional)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first transfer to retrieve (optional, does not apply to expected transfers)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last transfer to retrieve (optional, does not apply to expected transfers)
- includeAssetInfo is true if the decimals and name fields are to be included (optional, does not apply to expected transfers)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- setterRS is the setter address in reed salomon format
- asset is the asset id
- setter is setter numeric id
- properties (A) is an array of the asset properties
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Asset Properties Example
"requestProcessingTime": 1,
"asset": "3295228938014260892",
"setter": "15382970207090678772",
"properties": []
Get Asset Transfers
Get transfers associated with a given asset and/or account in reverse block height order (or in the expected order of execution for expected transfers).
- requestType is either getAssetTransfers or getExpectedAssetTransfers, where expected transfers are from the unconfirmed transactions pool or are phased transactions scheduled to finish in the next block
- asset is the asset ID (optional)
- account is the account ID (optional if asset provided)
- timestamp is the earliest transfer (in seconds since the genesis block) to retrieve (optional, does not apply to expected transfers)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first transfer to retrieve (optional, does not apply to expected transfers)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last transfer to retrieve (optional, does not apply to expected transfers)
- includeAssetInfo is true if the decimals and name fields are to be included (optional, does not apply to expected transfers)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- transfers (A) is an array of transfer objects with the following fields for each transfer:
- quantityQNT (S) is the quantity (in QNT) of the asset traded
- senderRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the sender
- assetTransfer (S) is the transaction ID of the asset transfer
- sender (S) is the account number of the sender
- recipientRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the recipient
- decimals (N) is the number of decimal places used by the asset (if includeAssetInfo is true)
- recipient (S) is the account number of the recipient
- name (S) is the name of the asset (if includeAssetInfo is true)
- asset (S) is the asset ID
- height (N) is the height of the transfer block
- timestamp (N) is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the transfer block, does not apply to an expected transfer
- phased (B) is true if the transaction is phased, false otherwise, applies only to an expected transfer
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Asset Transfers Example
"transfers": [
"quantityQNT": "500000",
"senderRS": "ARDOR-9K6X-4ZQS-PCQN-465T4",
"assetTransfer": "15255934090738722602",
"sender": "2406158154854548637",
"recipientRS": "ARDOR-YMEM-ERX3-BFUZ-4MQ4P",
"decimals": 8,
"recipient": "3065494931320556947",
"name": "mgwBTC",
"asset": "17554243582654188572",
"height": 287648,
"timestamp": 31042663
"requestProcessingTime": 4
Get Expected Asset Transfers
Refer to Get Asset Transfers. Since version 2.3.0e it returns both bundled and non-bundled transactions.
Get Assets
Get asset information given multiple asset IDs.
- requestType is getAssets
- assets is one of the multiple asset IDs
- assets is one of the multiple asset IDs
- includeCounts is true if the fields beginning with numberOf... are to be included (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- assets (A) is an array of asset objects (refer to Get Asset)
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Assets Example
"assets": [
"quantityQNT": "2100000000000000",
"numberOfAccounts": 31,
"accountRS": "ARDOR-3TKA-UH62-478B-DQU6K",
"decimals": 8,
"numberOfTransfers": 63,
"name": "awsBTC",
"description": "Production aws BTC (awsBTC)",
"numberOfTrades": 9,
"asset": "17554243582654188572",
"account": "13300069592148796968"
"requestProcessingTime": 15
Get Assets By Issuer
Get asset information given multiple creation account IDs in reverse block height of creation order.
- requestType is getAssetsByIssuer
- account is one of the multiple account IDs
- account is one of the multiple account IDs
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first asset to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last asset to retrieve (optional)
- includeCounts is true if the fields beginning with numberOf... are to be included (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- assets (A) is an array of asset objects (refer to Get Asset)
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Assets By Issuer Example
"assets": [
"quantityQNT": "10000000000",
"numberOfAccounts": 222,
"accountRS": "ARDOR-DE2F-W76R-GL25-HMFPR",
"decimals": 4,
"numberOfTransfers": 278,
"name": "NXTprivacy",
"description": "NXTprivacy will contain various privacy related projects...",
"numberOfTrades": 456,
"asset": "17911762572811467637",
"account": "18146608053740744717"
"requestProcessingTime": 9
Get Expected Asset Deletes
Gets asset deletes which are expected to be executed in the next block. Since version 2.3.0e it returns both bundled and non-bundled transactions.
- requestType is either getExpectedAssetDeletes
- chain the chain related to the operation
- asset is the asset ID (optional)
- account is the account ID (optional)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first phased transaction to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last phased transaction to retrieve (optional)
- timestamp is the earliest deletion (in seconds since the genesis block) to retrieve (optional)
- includeAssetInfo is true if asset information is to be included (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- deletes (A) is an array of expected asset delete objects with following properties:
- assetDelete (S) is the transaction ID
- asset (S) is the asset ID
- account (S) is the account ID
- accountRS (S) is the account Reed Solomon address
- quantityQNT (S) is the number of shares that will be deleted
- decimals (N) is the number of decimal places used by the asset (if includeAssetInfo is true)
- name (S) is the asset name (if includeAssetInfo is true)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Expected Asset Deletes Example
"deletes": [
"quantityQNT": "1000",
"assetDelete": "16186302132012496205",
"accountRS": "ARDOR-G885-AKDX-5G2B-BLUCG",
"asset": "5920455660623529270",
"account": "10892890577210644675"
"requestProcessingTime": 3
Get Order
Get a bid/ask order given an order ID.
- requestType is either getBidOrder or getAskOrder
- chain the chain related to the operation
- order is the Order ID
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- account (S) is the account number associated with the order
- accountRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the account
- asset (S) is the ID of the asset being ordered
- quantityQNT (S) is the order quantity (in QNT)
- priceNQTPerShare (S) is the order price (in NQT)
- height (N) is the block height of the order transaction
- transactionHeight (N) is the transaction height
- transactionIndex (N) is a zero-based index giving the order of the transaction in its block
- order (S) is the ID of the order
- type (S) is the type of order (bid or ask)
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Order Example
"askOrders": [
"quantityQNT": "100",
"orderFullHash": "e2c8201c2cf09ad7feb40e7275379f1686bcf1b9021de74f5df68e63153a7d22",
"transactionHeight": 315484,
"accountRS": "ARDOR-WP4X-2AMW-BXV4-3HDHU",
"priceNQTPerShare": "1000000",
"transactionIndex": 1,
"asset": "434314249088370370",
"type": "ask",
"account": "2106962255727711325",
"order": "6044046093672850641",
"height": 315485
"requestProcessingTime": 0
Get Ask Order
Refer to Get Order.
Get Bid Order
Refer to Get Order.
Get Order Ids
Get bid/ask order IDs given an asset ID, in order of decreasing bid price or increasing ask price.
- requestType is either getBidOrderIds or getAskOrderIds
- asset is the asset ID
- chain the chain related to the operation
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first order ID to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last order ID to retrieve (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- bidOrderIds or askOrderIds (A) is an array of order IDs
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Order Ids Example
"requestProcessingTime": 1,
"askOrderIds": [
Get Ask Order Ids
Refer to Get Order Ids.
Get Bid Order Ids
Refer to Get Order Ids.
Get Orders
Get bid/ask orders given an asset ID, in order of decreasing bid price or increasing ask price (if sortByPrice is true for expected orders, otherwise in the expected order of execution).
- requestType is one of getBidOrders, getAskOrders, getExpectedBidOrders or getExpectedAskOrders, where expected orders are from the unconfirmed transactions pool or are phased transactions scheduled to finish in the next block
- chain the chain related to the operation
- asset is the asset ID
- sortByPrice is true to sort by price (optional, applies only to expected orders, which are returned in expected order of execution by default)
- showExpectedCancellations is true to include orders that are expected to be cancelled in the next block, based on the content of the unconfirmed transactions pool and the phased transactions expected to finish in the next block (optional, does not apply to expected orders)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first order to retrieve (optional, does not apply to expected orders)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last order to retrieve (optional, does not apply to expected orders)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- bidOrders or askOrders (A) is an array of order objects (refer to Get Order for details) with the following additional field only for an expected order:
- phased (B) is true if the order is phased, false otherwise
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Orders Example
"bidOrderIds": [
"requestProcessingTime": 1
Get Ask Orders
Refer to Get Orders.
Get Bid Orders
Refer to Get Orders.
Get Expected Ask Orders
Refer to Get Orders. Since version 2.3.0e it returns both bundled and non-bundled transactions.
Get Expected Bid Orders
Refer to Get Orders. Since version 2.3.0e it returns both bundled and non-bundled transactions.
Get Expected Order Cancellations
Get all expected order cancellations in the order in which they are expected to be executed. Since version 2.3.0e it returns both bundled and non-bundled transactions.
- requestType is getExpectedOrderCancellations, where expected cancellations are from the unconfirmed transactions pool or are phased transactions scheduled to finish in the next block
- chain the chain related to the operation
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- orderCancellations (A) is an array of order cancellation objects with the following fields for each transfer:
- account (S) is the cancelling account number
- accountRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the account
- order (S) is the ID of the order to be cancelled
- height (N) is the block height of the order cancellation transaction
- phased (B) is true if the order cancellation transaction is phased
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Expected Order Cancellations Example
"orderCancellations": [
"account": "15295723609781267838",
"order": "8404616015717333294",
"height": 348793,
"phased": false
"requestProcessingTime": 1
Get Last Trades
Get the last trade of each of multiple assets.
- requestType is getLastTrades
- chain the chain related to the operation
- assets is one of multiple asset IDs
- assets is one of multiple asset IDs
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- trades (A) is an array of trade objects (refer to Get Trades without name and decimals for details)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Last Trades Example
"trades": [
"seller": "11580081983047651163",
"quantityQNT": "100",
"bidOrder": "12461616895431889058",
"sellerRS": "ARDOR-BMUV-8QQR-47VK-CR7F3",
"buyer": "15295723609781267838",
"priceNQTPerShare": "100000000",
"askOrder": "16690422801364092687",
"block": "9740784167963638799",
"asset": "17091401215301664836",
"askOrderHeight": 286247,
"bidOrderHeight": 286243,
"tradeType": "sell",
"timestamp": 46115694,
"height": 286247
"requestProcessingTime": 1
Get Order Trades
Get all trades that were executed as a result of a given askOrder and/or bidOrder in reverse block height order.
- requestType is getOrderTrades
- chain the chain related to the operation
- askOrder is an ask order ID (optional)
- bidOrder is a bid order ID (optional if askOrder provided)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first trade to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last trade to retrieve (optional)
- includeAssetInfo is true if the decimals and name fields are to be included (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
Response: Refer to Get Trades.
Get Order Trades Example
"trades": [
"seller": "8069635474378047786",
"quantityQNT": "200",
"bidOrder": "6083013926058683287",
"buyer": "3617506283101058376",
"priceNQTPerShare": "5000000",
"askOrder": "2769987326979385551",
"buyerRS": "ARDOR-QXCA-TKAH-KK85-5QZE6",
"decimals": 0,
"name": "TWT",
"block": "17820716559461579006",
"asset": "7496917644161273018",
"askOrderHeight": 263896,
"bidOrderHeight": 265168,
"tradeType": "buy",
"timestamp": 44288754,
"height": 265168
"requestProcessingTime": 0
Get Trades
Get trades associated with a given asset and/or account in reverse block height order.
- requestType is getTrades
- chain the chain related to the operation
- asset is the asset ID (optional)
- account is the account ID (optional if asset provided)
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first trade to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last trade to retrieve (optional)
- timestamp is the earliest block (in seconds since the genesis block) to retrieve (optional)
- includeAssetInfo is true if the decimals and name fields are to be included (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- trades (A) is an array of trade objects with the following fields for each trade:
- seller (S) is the account number of the seller
- quantityQNT (S) is the quantity (in QNT) of the asset traded
- bidOrder (S) is the bid order ID
- sellerRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the seller
- buyer (S) is the account number of the buyer
- priceNQTPerShare (S) is the trade price per share (in NQT, the ask price for a buy or the bid price for a sell)
- askOrder (S) is the ask order ID
- buyerRS (S) is the Reed-Solomon address of the buyer
- decimals (N) is the number of decimal places used by the asset
- name (S) is the name of the asset (if includeAssetInfo is true)
- block (S) is the block ID of the trade (if includeAssetInfo is true)
- asset (S) is the asset ID
- askOrderHeight (N) is the block height of the ask order
- bidOrderHeight (N) is the block height of the bid order
- tradeType (S) is the trade type (sell or buy, where buy implies that the bid occurred after the ask, or if in the same block, has a greater order ID)
- timestamp (N) is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the trade block
- height (N) is the height of the trade block
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Get Order Trades Example
"trades": [
"seller": "11579697950237343285",
"quantityQNT": "400",
"buyer": "15382970207090678772",
"askOrderFullHash": "0c54fa167ffe0f050b0479ac6891ebfe4f7fa1475b6971f43c8a259fb8e2cc1a",
"priceNQTPerShare": "100000000",
"decimals": 2,
"bidOrderFullHash": "57bbdc200466e20b9429a9f28e8c22aa800e886338d30e48be4a4bc10b0dc4f7",
"name": "TESTAPPROV",
"block": "14437482425329065753",
"asset": "3295228938014260892",
"askOrderHeight": 177984,
"bidOrderHeight": 182007,
"tradeType": "buy",
"timestamp": 10788581,
"height": 182007
"requestProcessingTime": 0
Increase asset shares of a specific asset. POST only.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is increaseAssetShares
- chain the chain related to the operation
- asset the asset that shares will be increased
- quantityQNT is the total amount (in QNT) of the asset to be increased
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response. The transaction ID is also the asset ID.
"minimumFeeFQT": "1000000000",
"signatureHash": "86cb335dfe08da715bd424cda7ac4348b04d372c55340a4aa7325de2f29ece8a",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c",
"chain": 2,
"signature": "0d0ae03e740c5461b189428adb1ba4566e4811d88eba4011afbdfc6635bcdf09252fb2838ddbefa91daf6fbfcd634d3d7ec65b65e10e0ad9b51c0e1b014c1014",
"feeNQT": "100000000",
"type": 2,
"fullHash": "02bfd8498c029aa5525cfe0c9350d47a623f50fbec8c5ecf05dbbf51fe10d6fc",
"version": 1,
"fxtTransaction": "0",
"phased": false,
"ecBlockId": "848399269223681227",
"signatureHash": "86cb335dfe08da715bd424cda7ac4348b04d372c55340a4aa7325de2f29ece8a",
"attachment": {
"quantityQNT": "10000",
"asset": "3295228938014260892",
"version.AssetIncrease": 1
"subtype": 8,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "15382970207090678772",
"ecBlockHeight": 378420,
"deadline": 15,
"timestamp": 22501256,
"height": 2147483647
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "02000000020801885757010f00df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c0000000000000000000000000000000000e1f505000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034c60500cb4cc7eda31ec60b00000000019c7eed9f4201bb2d1027000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"broadcasted": false,
"requestProcessingTime": 2,
"transactionBytes": "02000000020801885757010f00df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c0000000000000000000000000000000000e1f505000000000d0ae03e740c5461b189428adb1ba4566e4811d88eba4011afbdfc6635bcdf09252fb2838ddbefa91daf6fbfcd634d3d7ec65b65e10e0ad9b51c0e1b014c101434c60500cb4cc7eda31ec60b00000000019c7eed9f4201bb2d1027000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"fullHash": "02bfd8498c029aa5525cfe0c9350d47a623f50fbec8c5ecf05dbbf51fe10d6fc",
"bundlerRateNQTPerFXT": "10000000"
Issue Asset
Create an asset on the exchange. POST only.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is issueAsset
- chain the chain related to the operation
- name is the name of the asset
- description is a url-encoded description of the asset in UTF-8 with a maximum length of 1000 bytes (optional)
- quantityQNT is the total amount (in QNT) of the asset in existence
- decimals is the number of decimal places used by the asset (optional, zero default)
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response. The transaction ID is also the asset ID.
Issue Asset Example
description=This is SecretCoin&
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "021095e5da013c0073080c6a224062660184f10ebb7fb431d459364a12403...",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "73080c6a224062660184f10ebb7fb431d459364a12403320c7f601f9d75cc547",
"feeNQT": "100000000000",
"type": 2,
"version": 1,
"ecBlockId": "1564408139943737911",
"attachment": {
"name": "SecretCoin",
"description": "This+is+SecretCoin",
"quantityQNT": "100",
"version.AssetIssuance": 1,
"decimals": 0
"subtype": 0,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "17013046603665206934",
"ecBlockHeight": 288402,
"deadline": 60,
"timestamp": 31122837,
"height": 2147483647
"broadcasted": false,
"requestProcessingTime": 2
Place Order
Place an asset order. POST only.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is either placeBidOrder or placeAskOrder
- chain the chain related to the operation
- asset is the asset ID of the asset being ordered
- quantityQNT is the amount (in QNT) of the asset being ordered
- priceNQTPerShare is the bid/ask price (in NQT)
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response. The transaction ID is also the order ID.
Place Order Example
"signatureHash": "44028b4ddb46e7d4383331425b79019bb0f004f88ede12a5aa66f05c23a75f03",
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "02135a5ed6013c0057fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143...",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "57fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b473beec228f79ff93c",
"signature": "65713e80be99a927bfa7bb2e9a7b6fbd2f17c226fb956494c68a6d90a8127...",
"feeNQT": "100000000",
"type": 2,
"fullHash": "4f00aef17a397eee25027e834ca765660e4e3f3f1b162468bdac67b315aeb812",
"version": 1,
"ecBlockId": "14593256906948324209",
"signatureHash": "44028b4ddb46e7d4383331425b79019bb0f004f88ede12a5aa66f05c23a75f03",
"attachment": {
"quantityQNT": "1000000",
"priceNQT": "100",
"asset": "17554243582654188572",
"version.BidOrderPlacement": 1
"senderRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
"subtype": 3,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "15323192282528158131",
"ecBlockHeight": 285545,
"deadline": 60,
"transaction": "17185236428295897167",
"timestamp": 30826074,
"height": 2147483647
"broadcasted": true,
"requestProcessingTime": 8729,
"transactionBytes": "02135a5ed6013c0057fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143...",
"fullHash": "4f00aef17a397eee25027e834ca765660e4e3f3f1b162468bdac67b315aeb812",
"transaction": "17185236428295897167"
Place Ask Order
Refer to Place Order.
Place Bid Order
Refer to Place Order.
Search Assets
Get assets having a name or description that match a given query in reverse relevance order.
- requestType is searchAssets
- query is a full text query on the asset fields name (S) and description (S) in the standard Lucene syntax
- firstIndex is a zero-based index to the first asset to retrieve (optional)
- lastIndex is a zero-based index to the last asset to retrieve (optional)
- includeCounts is true if the fields beginning with numberOf... are to be included (optional)
- requireBlock is the block ID of a block that must be present in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- requireLastBlock is the block ID of a block that must be last in the blockchain during execution (optional)
- assets (A) is an array of asset objects (refer to Get Asset)
- lastBlock (S) is the last block ID on the blockchain (applies if requireBlock is provided but not requireLastBlock)
- requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Search Assets Example
query=assets AND production
"assets": [
"quantityQNT": "2100000000000000",
"numberOfAccounts": 37,
"accountRS": "ARDOR-3TKA-UH62-478B-DQU6K",
"decimals": 8,
"numberOfTransfers": 84,
"name": "mgwBTC",
"description": "Production Multigateway BTC (mgwBTC) is backed 100% by...",
"numberOfTrades": 15,
"asset": "17554243582654188572",
"account": "13300069592148796968"
"requestProcessingTime": 96
Set Asset Property
Set an asset property that allows attaching metadata to assets, in the form of name/value pairs.
The property name can be up to 32 characters, and property value up to 160 characters in length.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is setAssetProperty
- chain the chain that will be used for the operation. It is only available in the Ignis chain (2)
- asset is the asset id for setting a property
- property is the property name. It can be up to 32 characters in length
- value is the property value. It can be up to 160 characters in length
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response.
Set Asset Property Example
"minimumFeeFQT": "10000000",
"signatureHash": "24229be75fc4af5a3795ecc2a1c24d9bc8f9d44a72f05513b790c73be856cce5",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c",
"chain": 2,
"signature": "b3457fcb4b0d11dc5350c2ec55873c9ee8c0b4d8b4bc02008004257b83636b00f45e37bd6e668f33ea561ef5cdd081795300948dc7349a46ba8e8a1bd4f2dd4b",
"feeNQT": "1000000",
"type": 2,
"fullHash": "1cf769f04937350132e83fdc2598177841c4a37c93fbbb8e58e3f16776c29c50",
"version": 1,
"fxtTransaction": "0",
"phased": false,
"ecBlockId": "12919444854690185600",
"signatureHash": "24229be75fc4af5a3795ecc2a1c24d9bc8f9d44a72f05513b790c73be856cce5",
"attachment": {
"property": "isIdentified",
"asset": "-7464480822597667165",
"version.AssetProperty": 1,
"value": "true"
"subtype": 10,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "15382970207090678772",
"recipientRS": "ARDOR-X8ZN-WUJ2-SXY3-FBUYC",
"recipient": "15382970207090678772",
"ecBlockHeight": 449282,
"deadline": 15,
"timestamp": 26855134,
"height": 2147483647
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "02000000020a01dec699010f00df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5cf49b0ea0e6497bd5000000000000000040420f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002db060080810e2ba5164bb30000000001a3b659883dd668980c69734964656e7469666965640474727565000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"broadcasted": false,
"requestProcessingTime": 10,
"transactionBytes": "02000000020a01dec699010f00df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5cf49b0ea0e6497bd5000000000000000040420f0000000000b3457fcb4b0d11dc5350c2ec55873c9ee8c0b4d8b4bc02008004257b83636b00f45e37bd6e668f33ea561ef5cdd081795300948dc7349a46ba8e8a1bd4f2dd4b02db060080810e2ba5164bb30000000001a3b659883dd668980c69734964656e7469666965640474727565000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"fullHash": "1cf769f04937350132e83fdc2598177841c4a37c93fbbb8e58e3f16776c29c50",
"bundlerRateNQTPerFXT": "10000000"
Set Phasing Asset Control
Set all transactions involving a given asset to be subject to approval (i.e. to use phasing).
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is setPhasingAssetControl
- transactionType is a multivalue parameter that specifies the types to which the asset control will be applied
- If no types are specified, by default the asset control is applied to the following types: ASSET_TRANSFER, ASSET_DELETE, ASK_ORDER_PLACEMENT, BID_ORDER_PLACEMENT, DIVIDEND_PAYMENT
- asset the asset to set phasing asset control
- chain the chain related to the operation
- controlVotingModel is the voting model or -1 to remove phasing control
- controlQuorum is the expected quorum (optional)
- controlMinBalance is the expected minimum balance (optional)
- controlMinBalanceModel is the expected minimum balance model (optional)
- controlHolding is the holding ID (optional)
- controlWhitelisted is the whitelisted accounts (optional, multiple values)
- controlWhitelisted is the whitelisted accounts (optional, multiple values)
- controlParams A JSON with all phasing parameters. Use the parsePhasingParams API to get this JSON. If provided, all control* parameters are ignored (optional)
"phasingHolding": "0",
"phasingQuorum": "1",
"phasingWhitelist": [
"phasingMinBalance": "0",
"phasingMinBalanceModel": 0,
"phasingVotingModel": 0,
"description": "ARDOR-XNL5-RLNZ-ZKRT-AQQ2"
"phasingHolding": "0",
"phasingQuorum": "1",
"phasingMinBalance": "0",
"phasingMinBalanceModel": 0,
"phasingExpression": "!fPaul & fAlex",
"phasingSubPolls": {
"fAlex": {
"phasingHolding": "0",
"phasingQuorum": "1",
"phasingWhitelist": [
"phasingMinBalance": "0",
"phasingMinBalanceModel": 0,
"phasingVotingModel": 0
"fPaul": {
"phasingHolding": "0",
"phasingQuorum": "1",
"phasingWhitelist": [
"phasingMinBalance": "0",
"phasingMinBalanceModel": 0,
"phasingVotingModel": 0
"phasingVotingModel": 6,
"description": ""
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response.
Set Phasing Asset Control Example
"minimumFeeFQT": "1000000000",
"signatureHash": "187fad368e3dca9b214a564966c942e889458b137d0527d9807388132fd2259b",
"errorDescription": "quorum <= 0",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c",
"chain": 2,
"signature": "0e7ff864ddae3b20095a4aea0084361d513a4a941478dde4eacc1a33872938037b0d91ef413b19fc109f5ae2efeac87828b3fce964da5fce59bf6fbd4ead790e",
"feeNQT": "100000000",
"type": 2,
"fullHash": "621627d8891386e8e2a00337d2decf24ebf40a4fdd005ba018750d7136c7f8fd",
"version": 1,
"fxtTransaction": "0",
"phased": false,
"ecBlockId": "14535864490653796608",
"signatureHash": "187fad368e3dca9b214a564966c942e889458b137d0527d9807388132fd2259b",
"attachment": {
"version.SetPhasingAssetControl": 1,
"asset": "3295228938014260892",
"phasingControlParams": {
"phasingHolding": "0",
"phasingQuorum": "0",
"phasingWhitelist": [
"phasingMinBalance": "0",
"phasingMinBalanceModel": 0,
"phasingVotingModel": 0
"subtype": 9,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "15382970207090678772",
"ecBlockHeight": 378416,
"deadline": 15,
"timestamp": 22501006,
"height": 2147483647
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "020000000209018e5657010f00df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c0000000000000000000000000000000000e1f505000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000030c605000049a26cbdc3b9c900000000019c7eed9f4201bb2d000000000000000000000000000000000001f49b0ea0e6497bd5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"errorCode": 4,
"broadcasted": false,
"requestProcessingTime": 2,
"transactionBytes": "020000000209018e5657010f00df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c0000000000000000000000000000000000e1f505000000000e7ff864ddae3b20095a4aea0084361d513a4a941478dde4eacc1a33872938037b0d91ef413b19fc109f5ae2efeac87828b3fce964da5fce59bf6fbd4ead790e30c605000049a26cbdc3b9c900000000019c7eed9f4201bb2d000000000000000000000000000000000001f49b0ea0e6497bd5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"error": "nxt.NxtException$NotValidException: quorum <= 0",
"fullHash": "621627d8891386e8e2a00337d2decf24ebf40a4fdd005ba018750d7136c7f8fd",
"bundlerRateNQTPerFXT": "10000000"
Set Asset Trade Royalties
Set or change the royalties percentage. Asset issuer can receive royalties, calculated as a fixed percentage from each trade of the asset, which is subtracted from the amount (in child chain coins) that the asset seller receives and gets added automatically to the asset issuer account.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is setAssetTradeRoyalties
- chain the chain that will be used for the operation. It is only available in the Ignis chain (2)
- asset is the asset id for setting a property
- royaltiesPercentage percentage of royalties
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response.
Set Asset Trade Royalties Example
"minimumFeeFQT": "1000000",
"signatureHash": "306825f705446f71a6bc51828b47e2c7edc3cc930d4bd57a10011b4543a7f608",
"errorDescription": "Setting royalties requires the asset issuer to own all asset units",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c",
"chain": 2,
"signature": "881ff2a1b0f73b629511ea14221a031ab4531ea4a1d717e48fa1551f6a05b00ed492a656eb252ca411467414b5abecebd2387f73cfbe3c8c1a4ec86dd86e33b1",
"feeNQT": "2000000",
"type": 2,
"fullHash": "cb4ba3270c409e53452128898852bb3433bfc8ebf91eac5bd91be49b002fbdc4",
"version": 1,
"fxtTransaction": "0",
"phased": false,
"ecBlockId": "15716861317765606984",
"signatureHash": "306825f705446f71a6bc51828b47e2c7edc3cc930d4bd57a10011b4543a7f608",
"attachment": {
"version.SetAssetTradeRoyalties": 1,
"asset": "10982263251111884451",
"percentage": "10"
"subtype": 12,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "15382970207090678772",
"ecBlockHeight": 10048378,
"deadline": 15,
"timestamp": 136264870,
"height": 2147483647
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "02000000020c01a63c1f080f00df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c0000000000000000000000000000000080841e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007a539900482e7fd518821dda0000000001a3b659883dd6689800e1f505000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"errorCode": 4,
"broadcasted": false,
"requestProcessingTime": 3,
"transactionBytes": "02000000020c01a63c1f080f00df21142bd38c04bd5c5c342c6ca36802f9de89b75b2a0a8cbd32d29dca481e5c0000000000000000000000000000000080841e0000000000881ff2a1b0f73b629511ea14221a031ab4531ea4a1d717e48fa1551f6a05b00ed492a656eb252ca411467414b5abecebd2387f73cfbe3c8c1a4ec86dd86e33b17a539900482e7fd518821dda0000000001a3b659883dd6689800e1f505000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"error": "nxt.NxtException$NotCurrentlyValidException: Setting royalties requires the asset issuer to own all asset units",
"fullHash": "cb4ba3270c409e53452128898852bb3433bfc8ebf91eac5bd91be49b002fbdc4",
"bundlerRateNQTPerFXT": "200000000"
Get Phasing Asset Control
returns the phasing control for a given asset, if set.
- requestType is getPhasingAssetControl
- asset the asset to get phasing asset control
- controlParams (A) refer to Setting Phasing Asset Control
- assetName is the asset name
- asset is the asset ID
Get Phasing Asset Control Example
"controls": [
"phasingHolding": "0",
"phasingQuorum": "1",
"transactionTypes": [
"phasingWhitelist": [
"id": "3783710658772967411",
"phasingMinBalance": "0",
"phasingMinBalanceModel": 0,
"phasingVotingModel": 0
"assetName": "TESTAPPROV",
"requestProcessingTime": 16,
"asset": "3295228938014260892"
Transfer Asset
Transfer a quantity of an asset from one account to another. POST only.
Request: Refer to Create Transaction Request for common parameters.
- requestType is transferAsset
- chain the chain related to the operation
- recipient is the recipient account ID
- recipientPublicKey is the public key of the recipient account (optional, enhances security of a new account)
- asset is the ID of the asset being transferred
- quantityQNT is the amount (in QNT) of the asset being transferred
Response: Refer to Create Transaction Response. The transaction ID is also the transfered asset ID.
Transfer Asset Example
"signatureHash": "f622557588bc82942984286e431c978e687783b32db6a68a1c554b2e11349751",
"unsignedTransactionBytes": "0211c9ebda013c0057fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b...",
"transactionJSON": {
"senderPublicKey": "57fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b473beec228f79ff93c",
"signature": "33d0fccf1f19d18b4ca97d2636cf62f7a801c07628d1bbb1d6084dc3ca658d...",
"feeNQT": "100000000",
"type": 2,
"fullHash": "c8f25b15b48fb5efd3341fb369627d00f8fefb59dc18016ba0c482b6de7cad59",
"version": 1,
"ecBlockId": "3925493493266246517",
"signatureHash": "f622557588bc82942984286e431c978e687783b32db6a68a1c554b2e11349751",
"attachment": {
"version.AssetTransfer": 1,
"quantityQNT": "1000",
"asset": "17554243582654188572"
"senderRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
"subtype": 1,
"amountNQT": "0",
"sender": "15323192282528158131",
"recipientRS": "ARDOR-4VNQ-RWZC-4WWQ-GVM8S",
"recipient": "17013046603665206934",
"ecBlockHeight": 288416,
"deadline": 60,
"transaction": "17272869949464638152",
"timestamp": 31124425,
"height": 2147483647
"broadcasted": true,
"requestProcessingTime": 4968,
"transactionBytes": "0211c9ebda013c0057fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b473b...",
"fullHash": "c8f25b15b48fb5efd3341fb369627d00f8fefb59dc18016ba0c482b6de7cad59",
"transaction": "17272869949464638152"
"bundlerRateNQTPerFXT": "10000000"