All Operations index
From ArdorDocs
The following table contains all the API operations:
Operation | Link |
addBundlingRule | |
addAccountPermission | |
addPeer | |
approveTransaction | |
blacklistAPIProxyPeer | |
blacklistBundler | |
blacklistPeer | |
broadcastTransaction | |
bootstrapAPIProxy | |
bundleTransactions | |
buyAlias | |
calculateFee | |
calculateFullHash | |
canDeleteCurrency | |
cancelAskOrder | |
cancelBidOrder | |
cancelCoinExchange | |
castVote | |
clearUnconfirmedTransactions | |
combineSecret | |
createPoll | |
currencyBuy | |
currencyMint | |
currencyReserveClaim | |
currencyReserveIncrease | |
currencySell | |
decodeFileToken | |
decodeQRCode | |
decodeToken | |
decryptFrom | |
deleteAccountProperty | |
deleteAlias | |
deleteAssetProperty | |
deleteAssetShares | |
deleteContractReference | |
deleteCurrency | |
deriveAccountFromMasterPublicKey | |
deriveAccountFromSeed | |
detectMimeType | |
dgsDelisting | |
dgsDelivery | |
dgsFeedback | |
dgsListing | |
dgsPriceChange | |
dgsPurchase | |
dgsQuantityChange | |
dgsRefund | |
dividendPayment | |
downloadPrunableMessage | |
downloadTaggedData | |
dumpPeers | |
encodeQRCode | |
encryptTo | |
evaluateExpression | |
eventRegister | |
eventWait | |
exchangeCoins | |
fullHashToId | |
fullReset | |
generateFileToken | |
generateToken | |
getAccount | |
getAccountAssetCount | |
getAccountAssets | |
getAccountBlockCount | |
getAccountBlockIds | |
getAccountBlocks | |
getAccountCurrencies | |
getAccountCurrencyCount | |
getAccountCurrentAskOrderIds | |
getAccountCurrentAskOrders | |
getAccountCurrentBidOrderIds | |
getAccountCurrentBidOrders | |
getAccountExchangeRequests | |
getAccountId | |
getAccountLedger | |
getAccountLedgerEntry | |
getAccountLessors | |
getAccountPermissions | |
getAccountPhasedTransactionCount | |
getAccountPhasedTransactions | |
getAccountProperties | |
getAccountPublicKey | |
getAccountShufflings | |
getAccountTaggedData | |
getAlias | |
getAliasCount | |
getAliases | |
getAliasesLike | |
getAllAssets | |
getAllBroadcastedTransactions | |
getAllBundlerRates | |
getAllCurrencies | |
getAllExchanges | |
getAllOpenAskOrders | |
getAllOpenBidOrders | |
getAllPhasingOnlyControls | |
getAllPrunableMessages | |
getAllShufflings | |
getAllTaggedData | |
getAllTrades | |
getAllWaitingTransactions | |
getAskOrder | |
getAPIProxyReports | |
getAskOrderIds | |
getAskOrders | |
getAsset | |
getAssetAccountCount | |
getAssetAccounts | |
getAssetDividends | |
getAssetHistory | |
getAssetIds | |
getAssetPhasedTransactions | |
getAssetProperties | |
getAssetTransfers | |
getAssets | |
getAssetsByIssuer | |
getAssignedShufflings | |
getAvailableToBuy | |
getAvailableToSell | |
getBalance | |
getBalances | |
getBidOrder | |
getBidOrderIds | |
getBidOrders | |
getBlock | |
getBlockId | |
getBlockchainStatus | |
getBlockchainTransactions | |
getBlocks | |
getBundlerRates | |
getBundlers | |
getBundlingOptions | |
getBuyOffers | |
getChainPermissions | |
getChannelTaggedData | |
getCoinExchangeOrder | |
getCoinExchangeOrderIds | |
getCoinExchangeOrders | |
getCoinExchangeTrade | |
getCoinExchangeTrades | |
getConfiguration | |
getConstants | |
getContractReferences | |
getCurrencies | |
getCurrenciesByIssuer | |
getCurrency | |
getCurrencyAccountCount | |
getCurrencyAccounts | |
getCurrencyFounders | |
getCurrencyIds | |
getCurrencyPhasedTransactions | |
getCurrencyTransfers | |
getDGSExpiredPurchases | |
getDGSGood | |
getDGSGoods | |
getDGSGoodsCount | |
getDGSGoodsPurchaseCount | |
getDGSGoodsPurchases | |
getDGSPendingPurchases | |
getDGSPurchase | |
getDGSPurchaseCount | |
getDGSPurchases | |
getDGSTagCount | |
getDGSTags | |
getDGSTagsLike | |
getDataTagCount | |
getDataTags | |
getDataTagsLike | |
getECBlock | |
getEffectiveBalance | |
getEpochTime | |
getExchanges | |
getExchangesByExchangeRequest | |
getExchangesByOffer | |
getExecutedTransactions | |
getExpectedAskOrders | |
getExpectedAssetDeletes | |
getExpectedAssetTransfers | |
getExpectedBidOrders | |
getExpectedBuyOffers | |
getExpectedCoinExchangeOrderCancellations | |
getExpectedCoinExchangeOrders | |
getExpectedCurrencyTransfers | |
getExpectedExchangeRequests | |
getExpectedOrderCancellations | |
getExpectedSellOffers | |
getExpectedTransactions | |
getForging | |
getFundingMonitor | |
getFxtTransaction | |
getGuaranteedBalance | |
getHashedSecretPhasedTransactions | |
getHoldingShufflings | |
getLastExchanges | |
getLastTrades | |
getLedgerMasterPublicKey | |
getLinkedPhasedTransactions | |
getLog | |
getMintingTarget | |
getMyInfo | |
getNextBlockGenerators | |
getOffer | |
getOrderTrades | |
getPeer | |
getPeers | |
getPhasingAssetControl | |
getPhasingOnlyControl | |
getPhasingPoll | |
getPhasingPollVote | |
getPhasingPollVotes | |
getPlugins | |
getPoll | |
getPollResult | |
getPollVote | |
getPollVotes | |
getPolls | |
getPrunableMessage | |
getPrunableMessages | |
getReferencingTransactions | |
getSellOffers | |
getSharedKey | |
getShufflers | |
getShuffling | |
getShufflingParticipants | |
getStackTraces | |
getStandbyShufflers | |
getState | |
getSupportedContracts | |
getTaggedData | |
getTime | |
getTrades | |
getTransaction | |
getTransactionBytes | |
getUnconfirmedTransactionIds | |
getUnconfirmedTransactions | |
getVoterPhasedTransactions | |
hash | |
hexConvert | |
increaseAssetShares | |
issueAsset | |
issueCurrency | |
leaseBalance | |
longConvert | |
luceneReindex | |
parsePhasingParams | |
parseTransaction | |
placeAskOrder | |
placeBidOrder | |
popOff | |
processVoucher | |
publishExchangeOffer | |
readMessage | |
rebroadcastUnconfirmedTransactions | |
requeueUnconfirmedTransactions | |
removeAccountPermission | |
retrievePrunedData | |
retrievePrunedTransaction | |
rsConvert | |
scan | |
searchAccounts | |
searchAssets | |
searchCurrencies | |
searchDGSGoods | |
searchPolls | |
searchTaggedData | |
sellAlias | |
sendMessage | |
sendMoney | |
sendTransaction | |
setAPIProxyPeer | |
setAccountInfo | |
setAccountProperty | |
setAlias | |
setAssetProperty | |
setConfiguration | |
setContractReference | |
setLogging | |
setPhasingAssetControl | |
setPhasingOnlyControl | |
shufflingCancel | |
shufflingProcess | |
shufflingVerify | |
shutdown | |
signTransaction | |
simulateCoinExchange | |
splitSecret | |
startBundler | |
startForging | |
startFundingMonitor | |
startStandbyShuffler | |
stopBundler | |
stopForging | |
stopFundingMonitor | |
stopShuffler | |
stopStandbyShuffler | |
transferAsset | |
transferCurrency | |
trimDerivedTables | |
uploadContractRunnerConfiguration | |
uploadTaggedData | |
verifyPrunableMessage | |
verifyTaggedData |